Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ringo, English Shepherd Sire

Ringo is a a grandson of our famous dog, "Tessa" (McCalls Contessa). He is a terrific male.

He has a great on-off switch.
He shadows my husband and our teen age grandson. He is a watch dog but not aggressive to strangers.

As a working dog, Ringo wants to work the head but will also work the tail. He will get aggressive with the cattle if asked. Otherwise, he works quiet and laid off.

He also works horses and is never aggressive unless asked. He will herd foals along with their dams very softly and non-aggressively.

Ringos not interested in chasing chickens but will keep the squirrels in the trees and the deer out of the yard. He is very aggressive toward coyotes, barking in response to their howling and moving out into the field with the cattle if they get too close.

We had lost a couple of small corriente calves before Ringo came of age. As a young pup, we did not let him go out of the yard to respond to the coyotes . Now that Ringo is older and in charge of the "night watch "crew, we have not lost any more calves.

Ringo definately controls the other shepherds when we are not present. He will gather them up and signal them as they proceed in a job like putting a cow back in the pasture in the middle of the night.

Ringo has a "perfect dog" attitude. He only wants to do things that make us happy. He watches all the time for signals from his humans as to what he should do. He is a pleasure to be around all the time.

Ringo is a very well bred dog that is registered with UKC.

Pedigree Information

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