Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Spellman's Jake

Hey there Lynda!! Long time no speak...I hope that you and your family (and all your animals )are well. I wanted to fill you in our Jake... He is a dream! Exactly what we'd hoped for, Lynda. He is such a good, obedient dog (even our vet and trainer/sitter have commented on what a great dog he is) and playful when appropriate. I've attached 2 photos, a few months old. I think he looks just like his mom, Gabby. He has her beautiful silky coat and coloring. My only concern about Jake is that he doesn't have enough work to do. We don't have any other animals (except for the gerbil who just died...) and although we try to play with him and I try to get him on a good walk as often as possible, I'm afraid he's bored!!
So, now I am thinking about getting him a companion! And when I saw that Gabby and Ringo had another litter I just had to inquire.........

What are your feelings about having 2 dogs in the same household? I'd love another dog just like Jake if that's possible. My vet recommended a female to avoid the male/male issues. What do you think? How is your new litter doing? I would love your input whenever you get a minute.

Pam Spellman

The Spellman's now have two English Shepherds. What lucky dogs! Maybe Pam will send us pictures again. I'm afraid I lost the ones that she referred to!

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